Wednesday, June 10, 2009

technology might be the end of us all

At work, we use a fabulous invention called "the internet". Along with this invention came one of my favorite programs, "Lotus Notes". For those of you not in the know, Lotus Notes is an e-mail/calendar server that helps me keep my life organized and just barely keeps me below the stalking threshold when investigating why my boss is once again an hour late to work. (Shared calendar function - YAY!)

The problem with this "technology" is simply the calendar function. Aside from the 1000+ unread e-mails I have (relax, I just have a problem deleting - too much committment), the calendar helps me keep on top of my "to do list". Literally. You can send "to-do's" to support staff with requests for projects. You can send "to-do's" to interns asking for their feedback. You can even send "to-do's" to yourself with ongoing task lists. Then, these scary green checkmarks will follow you each day on your calendar until you "Mark complete". Heaven forbid you don't complete something on time, and the check mark turns into a big red exclamation point that haunts your dreams.

I think I've discovered the source of my stress - these damn check marks. I get stressed out if I see one on my calendar. I get stressed out if I don't see one, thinking, "What am I missing?" I get stressed out when the check mark turns into punctuation!

So my solution? NO MORE TECHNOLOGY.

I am leaving to take kids from church on a churchy trip to Michigan in a few days, so my "to-do" list has gotten quite expansive. Perhaps I won't be so stressed when I return.

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