Sunday, July 12, 2009

Layoff Shmayoff

TNPM has made some drastic changes over the past few months in order to be proactive about the state of our budget. These changes included (but were not limited to) 4 furlough days, mileage reimbursement decrease, and our leadership team taking a pay cut.

Well, these changes were rolled out in March, with the promise that TNPM would keep us posted if things looked grim for the upcoming fiscal year. This past Thursday, we found out just how grim.

Looks like we're about $4.5 million dollars shy of our 2010 budget (non-profit standards require earning money one year and spending it the following year). As our "last option", this means staff cuts.

We have 350 employees in our division. Let's pretend that the average salary+benefits per employee is $60K (probably assuming low, since this would be my average, and I'm low on the totem pole). Still assuming 60K, this would be 75 employees let go. My department is the "money making" department (vs. money spending), but we're also 35% of the staff.

If this were a mathematical equation, it would look something like this:

Whereas P is the probability I will be FUCKED in a week and a half when we have our "big" conference call to roll out the "staffing transition". Perhaps a blessing in disguise, since I really hate my job right now. Fire me please!!!!

Okay, maybe not really... but what better opportunity to look for a new job like my life depends on it. Because it does.

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