Thursday, April 30, 2009

Swine Flu?

Are we facing a crazy world epidemic? Nothing strikes fear into the hearts of dirty rednecks like closing down international borders! So the Swine Flu is all the rage these days, and, I'll say it - I'm totally into it. Not into the kids dying in third world countries into it, because that would just be cruel. No, rather, I'm into thinking I could see a live, syndicated version of Outbreak, sans monkeys, plus pork.

They tell us its okay to still eat "the other white meat", just like you can't get chicken pox from eating the delicious hot wings at the Cedar Inn.

My bet? Not that big of a deal. I base this solely on Wolf Blitzer's comment, "Will the Swine Flu truly impact society? Discussion when we return. Here's a hint: no!"

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