Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Frustration Destination and a sad day on TMZ.com

Welp. Another day, another dollar... but ten times worse this week.

THANK GOD for MLK Day. A wonderful holiday, agreed - however I desperately needed the day off work (sidenote: not only is it the government and education system that has a holiday this day, but also non-profits!) before I had a meltdown and took someone's life or severely mutilated myself. (another sidenote: clearly, homicide and suicide are serious issues in today's society. however, this is not a joke, I was at my cusp of crazy.)

So back to work, and today was the first day within my wonderful organization that I have felt completely disposable. Backtrack: a crazy volunteer said this exact phrase to me last week: "And fuck you for not having the materials I needed!" When I spoke with my manager and director regarding this, the response went something like this...

Me: I'm not sure what to do, this is a pretty big account that I think I'm going to lose because this volunteer is crazy.
Manager: We will figure it out. It will definitely hurt you, but that's not something you need to deal with.
Director: Well, you really just need to suck up to her and make sure she still contributes. Granted, she was out of line in saying that, but we can't lose those dollars.

I was floored. In what realm of reality is it okay for a VOLUNTEER to get away with saying that to someone, then for my management team to basically say that it is okay for her to say this because we see money over the sanity of staff?

Maybe I'm crazy. But now I'm just sad. I guess I got into the "real world" post-college and expected a little bit of professionalism and concern for employees. And alas, I have been employed there for nearly 8 months and today was the first time I felt replaceable.
However, the real news today is the tragic death of Hollywood Hottie Heath Ledger. Extremely sad, and the hype around his death is even sadder. The sensationalism of it is just ridiculous - I mean come on! He has a little daughter, his family doesn't need to be hearing the rumors that he showed up in Mary-Kate Olson's apartment, or that Lohan is "distraught". The American public does not need to know this shit either - let's just let his family and loved ones grieve, then TMZ.com can fill us in on the ridiculous details later.

Secrest OUT,

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