Another de-friend on Facebook! What did I do to deserve this!?
I know, I "should" be a "grown up" and think, "wow, this person must be going through a tough time in life that they no longer want me to know anything about them." But instead, I think, "what the hell? This girl I was "BFF" with, and truly inseparable from age 13-19 decided I'm no longer important enough to be considered a Facebook friend? The most surface level of friendship that ever existed?
So, here are the levels of friendship that exist in Facebook:
1. I wouldn't recognize you on the street, walking in the crosswalk with you. Maybe we had one 300-person lecture together in college.
2. I might recognize you in a coffee shop, but not be able to place where I know you from. It will probably eat at me for a few days until I remember your name, creep on you on Facebook, and find that we're actually Facebook friends. Who knew?
3. We used to be good friends at some point in our lives. High school, college, family, whatever. It's nice to see your facebook updates every once and awhile to remember you exist.
4. We are acquaintances and I sometimes genuinely care about what's going on in your life. I comment, like or post in your general direction.
(Here is where we move beyond Facebook)
5. I would email you if a major event (baby, marriage, death) occurred in my life. I will definitely post happy birthday on your facebook, and you might even get a phone call.
6. Your birthday is on my calendar. I would actually call you if those things happened in my life. You'd probably get invited to the baby shower, wedding, or funeral.
7. You'd be heavily involved in the baby shower (godmother), wedding (wedding party), or funeral (reader or pallbearer). I would expect you to cry actual tears at all of these.
So the girl in question is somewhere between 4 and 6. Her birthday was on my calendar, which is how I noticed she defriended me. Because it's today. She almost got a facebook post. What did I do to deserve it? Alas, I also was defriended by a Bestie's ex. But she's a C yoU Next Tuesday, so that's fine. I've known her since we were 5, so I can say that.
So instead of being a grown up, I think next time I'm in my hometown and see these lovely ladies, I'm going to be sure to be just liquored up enough to make it awkward by mentioning it. Can't wait.