Let's be friends.

Please fill out this application if you would like to be friends.
Name:_____________________________________  Nickname: _____________________________
Birthdate: ____________________ Age (Don’t make me do math): __________
Hometown: _________________________________ Current City:_____________________________
How long did/have you live(d) with your parents:___________________________________________
Date of/reason for last background check: ________________________________________________
College and Major:___________________________________________________________________
Marital status: _______________________________________________________________________
Describe your job in 3 words:___________________________________________________________
Current ringtone: ____________________________________________________________________
Who is your current or most recent best friend? ____________________________________________
How did you meet? __________________________________________________________________
Please write a hiaku:__________________________________________________________________
Vegetarian or carnivore:_______________________________________________________________
Please list your last three best friends/references:
1.    _____________________________________________________________________________
2.    _____________________________________________________________________________
3.    _____________________________________________________________________________
Please list your 3 most obnoxious habits:
1.    _____________________________________________________________________________
2.    _____________________________________________________________________________
3.    _____________________________________________________________________________
Please indicate your preference for each item listed.  If you need to justify yourself, please use the space provided.  There is a right answer for each.
·         Sharks or Whales
·         Vikings or Packers
·         Miller or Budweiser
·         ESPN or Bravo
·         Minneapolis or St. Paul
·         Drinking on porches or not drinking at all
·         Beach or mountain
·         Camping or hotel(ing?)
·         Jersey Shore or Real World
·         Star Wars or Star Trek
·         Big Buck Hunter or Silver Strike
·         80’s or 90’s
·         Wayne’s World or Monty Pithon
·         Journey or Foreigner
·         Cheerios or Captain Crunch
·         New Kids on the Block or Backstreet Boys

What are 3 reasons we should consider your application for friendship?
1.    _____________________________________________________________________________
2.    _____________________________________________________________________________
3.    _____________________________________________________________________________

Real world scenarios:
We are watching an NFL game with a group of friends and someone calls your phone in the last 90 seconds of the game.  You:
a.    Answer.  This could be important.  It is your mom, after all.
b.    Clear that call, nothing is more important than the last 90 seconds.  Call back after high fives have finished.
c.    Why would I be watching football?

We are at the Vegas Lounge enjoying a somewhat cold one.  A creeper approaches the group to rub up on one of us.  You:
a.    Laugh hysterically.
b.    Play along, this could be a soulmate!
c.    Think and react quickly to get friends out of potentially hostile situation.  Read the signs of panic and get us the f out of there.

Essays/ fill in the blank:
·   We're out at a bar and we get into a scuffle with some crazy bitch who doesn't know the importance of hygene. Got my back, son?

·   You plan a birthday party for one of us. That should be a recipe for: _______________________ .

·   What do you think Jonathan Frakes is doing right now?

·   It's a random Tuesday at approximately 2:30pm in the afternoon. You have a voice mail on your work phone. Upon checking it, you discover that it's me holding up my phone to my computer as Fleetwood Mac's Holiday Road blasts in the background.  Sing along or delete and hope no one heard?

·   Complete this sentence: Boom, ______________________________________________________.

Please draw or attach a picture of yourself in the space below for our reference.

Thank you for your application.