Wow, guess it takes some time away to realize how much you really needed a vacation! I spent 4 days on the beach in Florida, then 3 days at Disneyworld. Totally amazing.
On Wednesday when I reveled in Animal Kingdom, Magic Kingdom, and Epcot (yes, please ask BFF just how a "vacation" should be planned out to the minute), a record temperature was set - 96 degrees, "felt like" 104 - I relished every sweating moment of it. Weather was beautiful all week.
And THEN I came home. When our plane landed, it was 50 in Minneapolis. I almost died right there. And THEN it SNOWED.
And here's my point: My slumlord of a landlord/management company has put off getting us a new heater since May. Therefore, as the company is trying to install a new heater after the first snow of the year... I must say, not thrilled about my apartment being as cold as it is outside.
F this. Anyone know Minnesota rent withholding law?
Um, I think you should write a similar letter to mine stating that fair compensation is a week off rent!
Holy cow~ 50?! Even your blood must be frozen solid inside already. :D
Sorry to hear about the heater... I hope your "slumlord" gets punished for this. LOL! Just kidding.
he finally got it together, no worries! Captain Kategaroo and I are thawed.
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