Sunday, May 10, 2009

Quarter of a Century

I turn 25 this week. WOW.

I honestly never expected this to bother me so much. Maybe not so much the fact that I will be 25, but maybe the fact that I feel like I haven't accomplished a damn thing in my life. I've officially lived for a quarter of a century and really don't have anything to show for it.

It's not that I haven't "done" anything. (I haven't.) I think it's that I haven't done anything that merits another 25 years. I don't want to waste oxygen or anything like that for someone who might actually get stuff done in this world.

So I've decided to start a "top 100" list of things I want to accomplish in my life. Not a bucket list, since that's pretty damn morbid.
In no particular order, here goes:
1. Sneak into a "double feature" movie - and only pay for one! (See, I really haven't done much).
2. Have sex in a church.
3. Stand up in a wedding (I get to accomplish this next summer!)
4. Win an eating contest.
5. Visit Ireland.
6. Swim with sharks in South Africa.
7. Tour the pyramids.
8. Skydive.
9. Bungee jump.
10. Own a house.
11. Do stand-up comedy.

I'll keep these coming as my years start to collapse on me.

1 comment:

mmg said...

OMG, I'm glad you opened this up to comments because I had a real zinger yesterday...ok, maybe it was just funny to me. Get ready....

I'd leave SWIMMING WITH SHARKS to the very last on your list because methinks YOU'RE GOING TO DIE IF YOU DO THAT.

