Craigslist: not just the place to find friends and get murdered. Seriously, what is it about Craigslist that makes you all of the following:
- Insanely interested in other people's personal lives. I.E. reading missed connections and responding to ones you KNOW re not for you? Thank God for those who do this, since I read them for sheer entertainment value.
- Creepy.
- A hoarder. Thanks much, free section. Yes, I do need a 300 lb broken microwave. And 126 empty wine bottles.
- A total lunatic. Have you ever read the rants and raves? YIKES!
- A fucking poet. Stop it, I am not interested in your dramatic reading of your feelings. Tell me about the Caribou employee you have your eye on instead.
But seriously, thanks to Craigslist,. I know can fill my time with missed connections and rants and raves ALL DAY because of the droid app - YAY!!!!
Accepting suggestions for things for my friends and I to do to tempt fate, serial killers, and would be molesters as ways to stay entertained!