I really need to commit more to this stuff. Here's everything that has happened with me over the past year:
1. Have been working at a Lutheran church for about a year and 3 months. I'm Catholic. My mom thinks this is funny, but also I think she's a little sad about it.
2. Still single.
3. Went to a plastic surgeon to have a consultation done for a breast reduction. Insurance has denied the claim. Awesome, I'll continue with the back problems and see how they feel about it then.
4. Hammer broke up with HJ. Hammer and I had a big blow out fight in September because I was paranoid that he was trying to sleep with BFF. Turns out I was right. Tried to keep being friends - haven't talked to him in a month. Bummer.
5. BFF turned 25. Yikes. I'm next.
6. Have officially worked for The Non-Profit Man (TNPM) for over 2 years - but also found out I am a job grade lower than all my coworkers, even though I have the highest income portfolio. Awesome.
7. My big sister got engaged! Yay!!! She asked me to be the maid of honor!
8. Successfully finished a fiscal year with the TNPM and only missed my financial goal by $7K. Less than 4% away - not too shabby!
9. Had a volleyball team with my co-workers and friends. Found out I am no good at volleyball.
10. Bought a new car! Well, new to me. No rust, very exciting.
That's about it.